25 November 2006


Singing "Lean On Me"-- Sarah, Me, Alexis, Hannah, Erin, Nora, Courtney, Brett, Christina, Amanda, Carrie

Today we had our "Homestay Thank You and Thanksgiving!" As the name suggests, it was a day to say thank you to our homestay families, and to share a bit of our own culture with them. We had skits, songs, and lots of good food. Sarah and I played the Ugandan national anthem on our oboe and flute, respectively. I gave a thank you speech in Luganda, and we all sang "Lean On Me" while a couple of us played drums. We also did a traditional Baganda dance, and well as a traditional American dance... the electric slide. Oh yeah we did. And it was awesome. After all that, we had a big huge Thanksgiving meal- delicious! I think everyone had a great time.
Dancing! Merica (guesthouse employee), Alexis, Erin, Me in traditional Ugandan dress, Sarah:
Back: Christina, Nora, Amanda, Erin, Me, Courtney
Front: Tiffany, Brett, Alexis, Sarah, Carrie

I hope everyone back home had a great Thanksgiving- I am thankful for YOU!


At 28 November, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica it was so good to be able to talk to you when we were all here for Thanksgiving. You made it all so special when you told each of us why you were thankful for us individually! I am thankful that I have such a wonderful and caring firstborn child. You are awesome and you have some awesome siblings, too....I am truly blessed. I hope and pray your induction as a true volunteer goes well for you and that you will be able to handle whatever comes your way in your new surroundings. Love and miss you.

At 10 December, 2006, Blogger mmm said...

ahhh! i wish i could've been there to join in the traditional american dance. and the other one. any kind of dance really. did someone have it on cd or something?


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