21 April 2007


Let us keep the dance of rain our fathers kept and tread our dreams beneath the jungle sky.
Arna Bontemps

Things have been going well lately, and I feel like I might be making progress with work. But, in sad news, another volunteer out of my original group of 12 went home- we're all going to miss her so much! She was awesome- always looking at the bright side of things, no matter what. Our group is now down to 10... when we're all at our separate sites things seem normal, but when we get together, we definitely feel the missing presence of people who have gone home. But, other than being sad to see a friend go, I'm well!!
Today's post is not really a story, just pretty pictures! I live in an absolutely gorgeous area of Uganda. These are some pictures I took last Wednesday and Thursday, on my way to different meetings in a couple a nearby villages. I love walking to the villages, because it’s so…jungley!

I think most people who live here don’t really realize how beautiful the countryside is; it’s my goal not to become one of those people. Every time I walk to the villages, I think, “I’m walking through the jungle!!! In Africa!!!” I don’t think I’ll be able to stop doing that the whole time I’m here.

Some kids on their way to fetch water:
Banana trees on the main road:

This is the road to one of the villages:

It’s rainy season right now, so the road was a bit muddy in some places:

For Uganda, it might be rainy season, but for me, it’s visitor season, and I am SOOO excited! Maylea (my college roommate) gets here on Sunday!!! Laura (my sister) is coming in May to volunteer at a nearby school for the deaf for a couple months, and Min (my boyfriend) is coming for three weeks, starting in late August! Other people might be visiting next year… I love visitors! Come visit, you’re all invited!

And, on a note of visitors: once you’ve been here for a while, things that would have struck you as odd stop striking you as odd. To combat this phenomenon on my blog, I’m going to have my visitors be “guest bloggers” if they’re agreeable! So, look forward to seeing Uganda through new eyes!


At 22 April, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have so much fun with Maylea! I really want to talk to you again soon and hear more about your amazing day you had the other day

At 23 April, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah...and you were worried about not having visitors! You're getting more than me!

Uganda looks amazingly like Costa Rica, by the way. I love the jungle as well. I spend whole afternoons just sitting on the porch--we live on a hill--doing nothing and it is amazing! I eat all my meals on the outside stoop and I'm pretty sure everyone thinks I'm crazy, but come on! It's beautiful!

At 30 April, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess! I haven't sat down and read through your blogs for a while but I did get caught up this morning. Amazing, as always!

Thank you for the insights and perspective you give. It's truly eye-opening for us here (although it can't be anything close to the transformation you can't help but have gone through) and I love reading about your adventures, your observations, your heartaches and your hopes for your girls there.

Hope you have a great time with your roommate and with Laura...tell Laura hi for all of us in sunny California!



At 01 May, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed that you are helping us live your work through all of your writings. I miss you terribly and can't believe Laura will be joining you soon. I look forward to your "guest bloggers" but please keep writing your views, too! And watch out for those creepy mole crickets! Love, Mom


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