04 April 2008


Do not consider painful what is good for you.

Well... I'm home: Tyler, Texas, USA.
Here's the very very short version of a long story:
While I haven't written about it (it's not the most fun topic for a blog), I've been having stomach/intestinal problems for quite a while now. After tests, doctors, pills, and still more feeling terrible, Peace Corps sent me home.
In a large part, the decision to come home was actually mine; there are a lot of things I wish I could have finished up in Uganda, but doing those things while continuing to feel the way I feel would not have been very fun at all. While it was ultimately up to me to say that I'd had enough, the Peace Corps medical staff in Uganda did recommend that I leave, and the Peace Corps medical staff in Washington DC were very quick to approve that recommendation. So, I was officially "medically separated" from Peace Corps Uganda on March 28th, and after one-two-three-four! flights, arrived at my parents' house in Tyler on March 29th!
After first talking to Peace Corps about things, I did have a couple days back at my site to pack up and say my goodbyes there.

Last visit with my host family (this was actually earlier on in the month- so glad I got to see them again one last time!!!):

Saying farewell to some friends in a nearby village- a camera is a curious thing...

Last meeting with our Peer Educators (my counterpart Frank is also in the front row, left):

Last day at work, with my coworker Prossy, who always let me use the computer:

The night before I left my site I had a last supper with my favorite nuns. My last Ugandan meal- rice, greens, matooke, meat, fish, and coke- very fancy!

Cutting my "cake"

My favorite nuns of all time- Sr. Zitona, Sr. Scholastica, me, & Sr. Nankya

I also got to hang out with several of my best friends (other volunteers) right before I left- Sarah, Amanda, and Erin even came to the airport with me, as did Frank, my Ugandan counterpart. I'm confident that I will see all of them again, but it was still a difficult goodbye. My friends have been through just about everything with me (and I with them), and Frank and I have enjoyed working with each other immensely. I know that I'm doing what's best, but leaving so abruptly is just really hard- that's all there is to it. No matter how much I know it's right, it's still painful.

For now, I plan to hang out in Texas and get back on my feet health-wise! It's so wonderful to see my family again, and my mom is having a blast watching me thoroughly enjoy every bite of good ol' American food.

Just from the airport, first meal back at my house: veggie pizza and champagne! YUM!!!
Since this blog was solely about Uganda, I suppose this is the last entry. (Well, unless I decide to go back and visit in a few years!) Thanks so much to all of my readers- it's been really fun to share my experiences with you, and I have so appreciated your comments and support! If I do anything exciting in the future (which I undoubtedly will...) I might start another blog for whatever that happens to be.

Until then...


At 05 April, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so glad to have you back and will be enriched by having you share and talk about your experiences in person...but if you don't write in this blog about Uganda...please don't stop writing about something as you have a wonderful gift that others have benefited from. In fact, we will be going through withdrawl from Jessica's blogsite:) Write on!
Love, Mom

At 05 April, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there-
i want to second your mom's sentiment. you don't know me, but your uganda blog was recommended to me because of the quality of the writing and the wonderful stories and photos - i have enjoyed it immensely. i hope you feel better soon and that you keep writing. and of course, please let us know where we can read you!
all the best.

At 06 April, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, Although we only had lunch with you, Perry, Anna and I feel like we know you, through Sarah. We are so grateful to you. It hurts my heart, as I know both you and Sarah (as well as your other friends)will miss your friendship. We will miss your beautiful writing of your adventures but wish you peace and good health. Love, Martha, Perry and Anna Cowan.

At 07 April, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess - while your disappointment in your abrupt departure is so evident in your writing, we (your family) are selfishly glad that you are home safe and sound! You are an incredible writer...please keep sharing your perspectives with the world in some fashion! Have you thought about publishing an "Oh Uganda!" journal of your time there...I think it would be very well-received. God has given you a gift and, regardless if it's in a big way or a small way, I am so thankful that you use it!

Enjoy your R & R and I hope that you feel better really soon...I am sure that Aunt Sherry and Uncle Karl and Jacob are so glad to have you at home!

Love, Becky

At 14 April, 2008, Blogger SarahC said...

Jesca Nakivumbi!
My mom told me to check this out, so I am since i now have lots of internet time. i'm still in seta, no new development on any front. hope you know that we miss you! i wrote about you on my blog :-) nkwagala nnyo!


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